May 7, 8 and 9, showing 'The Man of Shame,' photo drama in 5 parts, from the famous French novel 'Roger La Honte,' featuring Mr. Wilton Lackaye and Misa Rosemary Theby. Including Gazette and Comics. Saturday 10th, matinee and 7.15 p.m. performance, showing Charlie Chaplin…
7th, 8th and 9th May, showing 'The Man of Shame,' photodrama in 5 parts, from the famous French novel 'Roger La Honte,' featuring Mr. Wilton Lackaye and Miss Rosemary Theby. Including Gazette and comics. Saturday 10th, matinee and 7.15 p.m. performance, showing Charlie…
A new programme is announced for tonight at the Hongkong Theatre, which will include the magnificent drama 'The Man of Shame,' from the famous French novel Roger la Honte. The leading artists are Wilton Lacaye [sic] and Miss Rosemary Theby. Charlie Chaplin will be on the screen soon.…
The sensational French drama 'The man of shame' featuring White Lecdy and Rosemary Theby, will be its last show in the Hongkong Theatre. Charlie Chaplin pictures will be screened at night, the 'Hungry Heart' will be repeated by request, and also comic pictures.
On Broadway, a line three blocks long waited at the strand theatre to see D. W. Griffith's 'The Great Love,' Artcraft Pictures. David Wark Griffith, producer of 'The Birth of a Nation,' 'Intolerance,' 'Hearts of the World' and 'Broken Blossoms…
Tuesday, October 4th, Rosemary Theby in 'Rio Grande.'
Tuesday, October 4th, Rosemary Theby in 'Rio Grande.'
Tuesday, October 4th, Rosemary Theby in 'Rio Grande.'
Tonight at 9.15 p.m., 'When a Women Strikes,' featuring Ben Wilson, Rosemary Theby, Neva Gerber, Murdock MacQuarrie and Robert Brower. Matinee at 5.15 p.m., 'The Scarlet Pimpernel'; 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., 'Trailed by Three' 6th and 7th episodes and 'A Trip Around…
Tonight 9.15 p.m., 'When a Woman Strikes' featuring Ben Wilson, Rosemary Theby, Neva Gerber, Murdock MacQuarrie and Robert Brower. Matinee 5.15 p.m., 'The Scarlet Pimpernel'; 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., 'Trailed by Three' 6 and 7 episodes. Popular prices. Booking at Messrs…
Tonight 9.15 p.m., 'When a Woman Strikes' featuring Ben Wilson, Rosemary Theby, Neva Gerber, Murdock MacQuarrie and Robert Brower. Matinee 5.15 p.m., 'The Scarlet Pimpernel.' 2.30 & 7.15 p.m., 'Trailed by Three,' 6 & 7 epis. Popular prices. Booking at Messrs…
The star film at the World Theatre this weekend is a five-part picture entitled 'When a Woman Strikes.' It is a tale of the wild West with a cast including Ben Wilson, Neva Gerber, Rosemary Theby, Murdock MacQuarrie and other film favourite. Film synopsis included. There is the usual…
See Robertson-Cole super-special, 'Good Women,' by C. Gardner Sullivan's story with an all-star cast headed by Rosemary Theby & Hamilton Revelle. July 26 Remarks: Film plot included. July 28 Remarks: Illustration included.
See Gasnier's production magnificent, 'Good Women,' a Robertson-Cole super special with an all-star cast headed by Rosemary Theby and Hamilton Revelle.
See Gasnier's magnificent production 'Good Women,' a Robertson-Cole super-special, with an all-star cast headed by Rosemary Theby and Hamilton Revelle. July 25 Remarks: Illustration included.
Wednesday 25th to Saturday 28th July at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., a Robertson-Cole super special, 'Good Women,' Gasnier's greatest society drama, with an all-star cast based by Rosemary Theby and Hamilton Revelle. 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., Helen Holmes in 'The Fatal Fortune,'…
Rosemary Theby is the beautiful leading woman in the new Robertson-Cole super-production which is showing today at the World Theatre. 'Until I played the part of Katherin Brinkley in 'Good Women,' I never fully realised the danger of idleness to women, says Rosemary Theby. Film…
Wednesday 25th to Saturday 28th July at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., a Robertson-Cole super-special, 'Good Women,' Gasnier's greatest society drama, with an all-star cast headed by Rosemary Theby and Hamilton Revelle. 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., Helen Holmes in 'The Fatal Fortune,'…