Introducing two excellent attractions: The Wheelers, group of trick riders and Dante, a conjurer, from the performance of The Gaiety Stars Entertainment Company, which opened a short season in the Theatre Royal. Other than that, the rest of the performers include: singing and dancing by Mr Eric…
Mr. Will Holmsworth's Co. opened their season last night at the theatre Royal, and the show is nothing short of successful. Mr. Eric Hewell, Miss Ruby Maxwell, Miss Maud Larele, and Miss Lancy Stewart performed in the first part. The first part of the programme concluded with a refined and…
To the Editor S. C. M. Post – A reader's response to the British resident Mr. M. Stewart's letter regarding the use of land. 'The Government say the Chinese contractor must have the piece of ground on the Praya that they had to use a portion of it to make macadam on, all because…
Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Tonight! For three nights only. Grand attraction. 'Bag Pipe Selections.' Pipe Major. 'W. Burnside.' Late piper to Lord Stewart Vane Tempest. Selections of Scotch and Irish competition tunes.
Miss Emily Rochawere and Mr. G. E. Roylance, Scoutmaster, Junior Troop of St. Joseph's Roy Scouts, were married at the Roman Catholic Cathedral. The troop went through pictures of which were taken by a cinematograph operator.
Screening of 'The Goddess' (1st and 2nd episodes) featuring Anita Stewart, and Keystone Comics; Coming film: 'Peg O' The Ring'
On Mar 3, showing another grand serial: 1st and 2nd episodes of 'The Goddess,' featuring the beautiful star Anita Stewart; also Keystone comics; on Mar 10, see 'Peg O' the Ring.'
A report from Sydney Sun introduced Charlie Chaplin. The writer had been Mr. Chaplin's guest in Los Angeles for ten days, and under his guidance, met many of the principal stars in filmdom, including Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford, Fanny [sic] Ward, Theda Bara, and William S. Hart. About…
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Anita Stewart in 'The Combat.' Usual prices. Booking at the theatre. Next change of programme, Valeska Suratt in 'The Slave.'
The new programme for this week in Hongkong Theatre has just been issued in which the Vitagraph Co. presents the thrilling drama, 'The Combat,' in five parts, featuring the popular actress Anita Stewart. William Fox's production 'The Slave' in five parts, starring Miss…
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Anita Stewart in 'The Combat.' Usual prices. Booking at the Theatre. December 11 & 12 Remarks: Next change of programme, Valeska Suratt in 'The Slave.'
Two magnificent pictures are being shown this week. 'The Combat,' is a splendid drama presented by the Vitograph [sic] Company in five parts, featuring Anita Stewart. In addition, William Fox's excellent production 'The Slave,' also in five parts, will be screened on…
It speaks volumes for the control that the Coronet has secured over the best class of moving pictures that that house can screen in one and the same day two such pictures as 'The Plunderer' and 'Thais.' Roy Norton's red-blooded story which the former is founded. William…
Special engagement of Mlle Le Roy, Parisian dancer will appear at the Victoria Theatre.
The well-known Parisian dancer and ragtime high-class soubrette at the Victoria on Wednesday night. Picture and illustration included.
Tonight at 9.15 p.m. only, J. Stuart Blackton and Albert E. Smith present America's daintiest actress, Anita Stewart in Robert W. Chambers' greatest story, 'The Girl Philippa,' a special Vitagraph feature in eight parts. Prices: $1.00 and 50 cents. 5.15 and 7.15 p.m., Nance O…
Special engagement of Mlle Le Roy, Parisian dancer and ragtime high-class soubrette. She has played before royalties and will certainly please you. Illustration included.
Another attractive film entitled 'The Kreutzer Sonata' in five parts and a film adapted by Robert Chamber's greatest novel, entitled 'The Girl Philippa,' starring Anita Stewart, will be shown in Hongkong Theatre. Watch also for some special comics at intervals.
Miss. Le Roy, a pretty Parisian Dancer, is appearing at Victoria Theatre only tonight.
Mdlle. Le Roy is appearing at Victoria Theatre tonight.