The Cinematograph' was the latest and greatest success of London and Paris which will exhibit for a short season. There were five sessions a day, each scheduled for an hour. Admission price one dollar and children at half-price.
The Cinematograph' (The latest and greatest success of London and Paris) will exhibit for a short season, commencing Tuesday, the 27th April, 1897, for 5 sections each day. Admission: $1, children half-price.
The delicate and intricate mechanical arrangements combined with the elaborate and most modern of electrical appliances of the machine require such perfect adjustment and manipulation that Professor Maurice Charvet has decided to postpone his opening exhibition for one day.
Professor Maurice Charvet has decided to postpone his opening exhibition for one day. 'The Cinematograph' will be exhibited at St. Andrew's Hall (City Hall) tomorrow. It's the greatest marvel of the age. Admission: $1, children half-price.
The Cinematograph is the greatest marvel of the age. It will be exhibited under the personal supervision of Professor Maurice Charvet five sessions a day and each for an hour.
Today! 'The Cinematograph' will be exhibited, under the personal supervision of Professor Maurice Charvet, 5 sections a day. Admission: $1, children half-price.
A report to be submitted to the Annual Meeting of Shareholders in and Subscribers to the City Hall, to be held at half-past twelve o'clock on Monday, the 23rd day of January, 1899. In the accounts, the receipts from Theatre, St. Andrew's Hall, Ball Room is $6,896.64.
The Lord Chamberlain has issued a circular addressed to the London managers requiring all theatres to be closed on the evening of Coronation and the following day.
A meeting of the Sanitary Board will be held today at 4:15 p.m. 19 orders of the day are stated including correspondence relative to the latrine accommodation at the Tai Ping Theatre.
There was an performance by the Bijou Variety Entertainers, including the Imperial Bioscope, for three days.
There was an performance by the Bijou Variety Entertainers, including the Imperial Bioscope, for two days.
There was an performance by the Bijou Variety Entertainers, including the Imperial Bioscope, for one day.
Referring to the absence of any attempt on the part of the people to celebrate the conclusion of peace, the 'Japan Herald' mentions that it is reported in a gentleman representing the well-known Bioscope Company of London, who succeeded in taking a number of films at Port Arthur. Those…
Canton, August 20 – The new theatre at the former Longevity Monastery was opened for performances on the 27th day, and the place was exceedingly overcrowded. The people here regard the theatre at the best place for pleasure they can have in Canton.
Canton, September 11 – The Cheung Lok theatre at Honam was sealed up on the 22nd day by the Pun U Magistrate, owing to a certain schoolmaster being brutally assaulted by one of the ticket collectors.
An unemployed actor got fifteen days' hard labour for stealing from the Chung Hing Theatre, a jacket and a pair of shoes.
The Royal party had a very busy day with the return of Duke and Duchess, who had to carry out everyone waited at the Ko Shing Theatre for the tea party arranged by the Chinese community in Ko Shing Theatre. The theatre was beautifully decorated with ferns and flowers. The stage looked like a…
Canton, March 18 – The date for the opening of the tender for the new theatre at Chuen Lung Hau was the 2nd day of this month, but owing to the small number of tenders received the date will be 8th day. The tenders will be opened in public, and all the tenderers have to deposit $6,000, which…
Entire change of programme; By special requests showing the 'Life and Passion of Chirst' for three more days
On Saturday, a private contest took place in the Victoria Cinematograph, the reason for the display not being in public being the fact that only one day was available to make the arrangements, these being in the capable hands of Prof Billy Bellew. The contestants were McKenna, and Ambridge.