The seventh and eighth episodes of 'Exploits of Elaine [sic]' from Sunday, 28th to Tuesday, 30th May. Pictures including 'Jane Shore.' Pathe's British gazette included. Comics including 'Safety First' by Starlight and 'The Fatal Taxi' [sic] (by…
On Sep 22, 13th-15th episodes of the 'Black Box Mystery' [sic]; Pathe's British Gazette, Great War in the Trenches; 'The Amateru's Night,' Pathe's starlight comic; 'Wiffles and the Two Typists,' comic; 'Detective Snob & the Black Pearl…
Screening of 'Who's Guilty' (9th & 10th Series), Pathe's British Gazettes, Pathe's American Gazettes, Pathe's 'The Great War', 'Starlights' (comic) and Keystone Comics
On June 22, 9th and 10th series of 'Who's Guilty,' 'A Trial of Souls' and 'The Water Strain'; Pathe's British Gazettes, American Gazettes, and The Great War; comics: Starlight and Keystone.
On July 13, Pathe's gold rooster play, 'Shadows & Sunshine' in 3 parts, featuring Baby Marie Osborne, the youngest leading lady in the world; interesting: Pathe's British Gazette and Pathe's Great War; comics: 'Statue of the Black Gladiator' (Starlight),…
From Mar 26-28, 9.15 pm performance, a drama 'The Faithful Gamekeeper' in 4 parts; American Gazette No. 42 and nestor & starlight comics.
26th, 27th and 28th March, 9.15 p.m. performance, 'The Faithful Gamekeeper,' a drama in 4 parts. American Gazette No. 42, Nestor and Starlight comics. Booking at Anderson's.