Introducing two excellent attractions: The Wheelers, group of trick riders and Dante, a conjurer, from the performance of The Gaiety Stars Entertainment Company, which opened a short season in the Theatre Royal. Other than that, the rest of the performers include: singing and dancing by Mr Eric…
Mr. Will Holmsworth's Co. opened their season last night at the theatre Royal, and the show is nothing short of successful. Mr. Eric Hewell, Miss Ruby Maxwell, Miss Maud Larele, and Miss Lancy Stewart performed in the first part. The first part of the programme concluded with a refined and…
To the Editor S. C. M. Post – A reader's response to the British resident Mr. M. Stewart's letter regarding the use of land. 'The Government say the Chinese contractor must have the piece of ground on the Praya that they had to use a portion of it to make macadam on, all because…
Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Tonight! For three nights only. Grand attraction. 'Bag Pipe Selections.' Pipe Major. 'W. Burnside.' Late piper to Lord Stewart Vane Tempest. Selections of Scotch and Irish competition tunes.
It is probable that no film has ever been shown anywhere that created a greater sensation than 'Quo Vadis,' in six parts, which will be shown at the Victoria Theatre shortly. The enterprising management has also arranged for two companion films dealing with Ancient Rome, 'Anthony…
Rome, Feb. 1 – In order to increase the revenue the Government has decided to impose a tax on cinematograph films.
War picture 'The Zouaves from Algeria in Flanders' will be screened at Victoria Theatre. At Saturday's matinee 'Flase Wireless' in three parts will be staged with a variety of comic pictures. Next Tuesday, 'When Rome Ruled' will be screened.
Nov 2, the thrilling drama 'A Leech of Industry' in 3 parts, wrestling in the 'catch as catch can' style; 'The Three Mile Limit,' various other comic and interesting pictures; On Nov 5, the magnificent film 'When Rome Ruled,' the splendour of the scenic…
The thrilling drama in 3 parts, 'A Leech of Industry,' on Tuesday, 2nd November, 1915. Comic and interesting pictures included. The magnificent film, 'When Rome Ruled,' on Friday, 5th November, 1915.
Films screenings including 'A Leech of Industry' (3 parts) and 'The Three Mile Limit'; Coming film: 'When Rome Ruled'
Films screenings including 'A Leech of Industry' (3 parts) and 'The Three Mile Limit'; Coming film: 'When Rome Ruled'
The enthralling drama in 4 parts, 'When Rome Ruled,' on Friday, 5th November, 1915. Pathe's British gazette included. A very interesting film, 'Seal Hunting.'
Nov 5, the enthralling drama 'When Rome Ruled' in 4 parts, a picture full of exciting scenes; also The Great War 1914-15': with the troops in the forest of argonne'; Pathe's British Gazette; 'Seal Hunting' - a very interesting picture.
Films screenings including 'When Rome Ruled' (4 parts), 'The Great War 1914/15'; Also screening of Pathe's British Gazette; Coming film: 'Seal Hunting'
The war pictures 'The French troops in Argonne' will be staged in two parts, followed by the British Gazette No. 333 showing latest Paris fashions, and the coal strike, Messrs. Lloyd George, Arthur Henderson and Runciman at Cardiff. In addition, the most enthralling drama 'When…
Films screenings including 'When Rome Ruled' (4 parts), 'The Great War 1914/15'; Also screening of Pathe's British Gazette; Coming film: 'Seal Hunting'
When Rome Ruled,' a well-staged picturesque and dramatic romance in four parts, is the chief item in the Victoria Theatre's current programme, while the Animated Gazette, war pictures, a seal-hunting episode, and some comics are also screened.
When Rome Ruled' was shown at the Victoria Theatre last night for the first time. Other items on the programme are some highly interesting war pictures and a fine descriptive picture of seal hunting.
When Rome Ruled' which was shown at the Victoria Theatre over the weekend, embraced many thrilling episodes. The plot had been included in this article.
Screening of 'The Goddess' (1st and 2nd episodes) featuring Anita Stewart, and Keystone Comics; Coming film: 'Peg O' The Ring'