Last night in Theatre Royal, the Elsie Adair Company gave an amusing entertainment before a large house. And a series of animated pictures were shown by means of Edison's Vitascope. It was an almost total absence of the flicker which has characterised all previous exhibitions of pictures of…
At the Theatre Royal tonight, Miss Elsie Adair, assisted by several Hongkong amateurs, will give another performance. And fifteen views of the Jubilee procession will be shown on the vitascope. Mrs Jewell, and Miss Lee Jarvis, the celebrated comic opera prima donna, is to contribute several…
The Theatre Royal was fairly well filled on Saturday night by the performance from Elsie Adair, Mr. Vanderlip. Mrs. Jewel and Mr. C. T. Robinson. A number of new and old views were shown with the Vitascope and the graphic fidelity which some of them were animated was warmly applauded by the…
The latest entertainment arrived City Hall are the Barnes 20th Century Entertainers and Biograph Company. Performers include Madame Freed, Mr. Harry Gray, Mr. W. T. Burgess, Miss Florence Adelaide, Miss Rosa Barnes and orchestra of Royal Welsh Fusiliers. The series of capital films run through…
The latest and most perfect animated pictures direct from London to Hong Kong. Complete set of Pictures of the Coronation Festivities. Vide Shanghai Press of last Winter. Plan at the Robinson Riano Co., Ltd. T. J. Stevenson is the Proprietor.
An exceedingly good Bioscope entertainment is that which is being given by Mr. T. J. Stevenson at the Theatre Royal. The coronation pictures are exceedingly good. The news described some scenes of the films.
Imperial Bioscope. Complete change of programme. Plan at the Robinson Riano Co., Ltd. T. J. Stevenson is the Proprietor.
Mr. Fung Wa Chun lectured to a crowded meeting, and he talked about the opinion of the Chinese government. Mr. A. W. Brewin, and the following members of the Chinese Public District Dispensaries Committee were at the meeting.
On Wednesday, Emil T. Bunje, manager of the Asiatic Petroleum Co., charged Herbert John May, chief engineer of a steamer, with having behaved in a disorderly manner, and having used abusive and insulting language whereby a breach of the peace might have been occasioned at the Alexandra Theatre.…
Mr. A. C. Franklin, of the Government Civil Hospital, will give a lecture on 'Origin of rock, with local specimens' on Thursday, the 29th, at the Chinese Y.M.C.A. There will be a number of lantern slides.
The lecture on the 'Origin of Rocks' by Mr. A. C. Franklin at the Chinese Y.M.C.A. was attended by a large crowd of men. After the close of the lecture, an opportunity was given to examine through a powerful microscope some sections of local rocks, the slides of which had been made by…
Mr. Howard A. Kennedy, of the editorial staff of the London 'Times,' has travelled far and wide and is consequently an interesting subject to have a chat with. He and his daughter are at present making Hongkong their half-way house on a journey round the world. Mr. Kennedy described…
Premier hall of Hong Kong, Des Voeux Road Central (Corner of Pottinger Street). Tonight! Debut of the celebrated Australian artistes, Mr T. Howard and Miss L. Lee. Farewell performance of the celebrated soprano, Miss Ethel Leslie. Matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 4 p.m.
Calcutta, January 4 – Yesterday Mr. Justice Fletcher decided the case of Warwick Major, manager for Mr. Maurice Bandmann, against A. Stephen, proprietor of the Empire Theatre, claiming R15,000 in compensation for telegrams of a defamatory character sent in May last to Mr. Bandmann. – '…
Premier hall of Hong Kong, Des Voeux Road Central (Corner of Pottinger Street). Schedule details included. For three nights only. New film, 'The Lady of Camelias.' The celebrated artistes Miss Dolly Keldie and Miss Jessie Lee. Miss Myra James, Mr Sam Gales and Mr T. Howard. The…
Premier hall of Hong Kong, Des Voeux Road Central (Corner of Pottinger Street). Schedule details included. Grand farewell programme for the celebrated artistes Miss Myra James and Mr Sam Gales. The wonderful queen of juvenile artiste, Sadie. Grand success of Miss Dolly Keldie, Mr T. Howard and…
The management of the Empire Cinematograph Theatre announces that Professor A. Lewis, and Miss Lewis will make their debut this evening.
Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. Tonight! Debut of Prof. A. Lewis, introducing novelties never seen in Hong Kong. Miss Lewis (age 6), surprising infantile comic, serio and recitations. Coming: Miss Eva Hughes. No performance…
Premier hall of the colony (Des Voeux Road Central, Opposite Central Market). Schedule details included. Monday! Debut of Miss Eva Hughes. Prof. A. Lewis, introducing novelties never seen in Hong Kong. Miss Lewis (age 6), surprising infantile comic, serio and recitations.
Every night at 7.00 and 9.00 o'clock. Matinees Saturdays and Sundays at 4.00 p.m. World's pictures, Vaudeville performance by Mr. Elliott, Mr. A. Colins and Mr. Stephenson; Price details included