London, Sept 27 – The Carpentier-Siki film should have been shown in London yesterday but it did not arrive. It was subsequently explained that the exhibition was postponed since Carpentier had lodged an appeal against the decision. The film was later smuggled to London aerially and exhibited to…
The great fight for Ted (Kid) Lewis vs. Roland Todd. Also Wanda Hawley in 'Her Sturdy Oak.'
Commencing Wed. the 25th, World Theatre is showing double attractions for four days only at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m. Wanda Hawley in 'Her Sturdy Oak.' Film plot included. And The Great Event of the Year in Europe, Ted (Kid) Lewis v. Roland Todd.
Wednesday 25th till Saturday 28th at 5.15 p.m. and 9.15 p.m. performances, four days only, Wanda Hawley in 'Her Sturdy Oak.' The great event of the year in Europe, Ted (Kid) Lewis vs. Roland Todd, 20 rounds at the Royal Albert Hall, London. Prices of admission: 9.15 p.m., $1.20 and 80…
Wednesday 25th to Saturday 28th April at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Ted (Kid) Lewis vs. Roland Todd. Also Wanda Hawley in 'Her Sturdy Oak.' Prices of admission: 9.15 p.m., $1.20 and 80 cents; 5.15 p.m., 80 cents and 60 cents. Soldiers and sailors in uniform 50 cents to stalls at 9.15 p.m.…
Wed. 25th to Sat. 28tj April at 5 & 9.15 p.m., The Great Fight for the Middlewieght Championship of Europe, Ted (Kid) Lewis v. Roland Todd. Also, Wanda Hawley in 'Her Sturdy Oak.' At 2.30 & 7.15 p.m., 'The Radio King,' Wed.-Fri. epis. 1 & 2; Sat.-Tue. epis. 3…
Today at 5.15 p.m. and 9.15 p.m. Wanda Hawley in 'Her Sturdy Oak' and Ted (Kid) Lewis vs. Roland Todd for the middleweight championship of Europe. Prices of admission: 9.15 p.m., $1.20 and 80 cents; 5.15 p.m., 80 cents and 60 cents. Soldiers and sailors in uniforms 50 cents to stalls…
Wednesday 25th to Saturday 28th April at 5.15 p.m. and 9.15 p.m., the great fight, Ted (Kid) Lewis vs. Roland Todd. Also Wanda Hawley in 'Her Sturdy Oak.' Soldiers and sailors in uniforms 50 cents to stalls at 9.15 p.m. only. Prices of admission: 9.15 p.m., $1.20 and 80 cents; 5.15 p.m…
Today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., last chance to see the great fight between Ted (Kid) Lewis vs. Roland Todd. Also Wanda Hawley in 'Her Sturdy Oak.'
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 25 to 27, two splendid boxing films, Luis Firpo vs. Jack McAuliffe and Jess Willard vs. Floyd Johnston. Together with a first-class vaudeville programme including Cora Williams, Young Eddy Polo, Ted Trevor and his dog, and Babe Latour.
Two big fight films, Luis Firpo vs. Jack McAuliffe and Jess Willard vs. Floyd Johnston, and a first-rate vaudeville bill including Jack and Cora Williams, Young Eddie Polo, Ted Trevor and his dogs, Babe Latour, a big show at popular prices. Dress circle and stalls $2, pit $1, service men half…
The Star announce a pleasingly novel entertainment for the three days commencing tomorrow. The fight film of Firpo v McAuliffe and Willard v Floyd Johnson will be shown, and in addition a vaudeville programme is offered. Jack and Cora Williams appear in some astonishing dental feats and Young…
Besides the fight films advertised for the Star, there is a vaudeville programme. The J. C. Williams Company are old-timers in the East and the variety of their offerings should ensure the first-class entertainment. Performers include Babe Latour, Eddie Polo, Jack Williams and Ted Trevor. The…
At Star Theatre, J. C. Williamson provides a variety of entertainment, performed by Babe Latour, Young Eddie Polo, Ted Trevor, Jack and Cora.
Douglas Fairbanks has surrounded himself with a large company of players in his forthcoming United Artists' picture, 'The Mollycoddle,' which is the third of this brilliant star's 'Big Four' productions. The leading woman is Ruth Renick, a newcomer in the film world…
Harold Lloyd is one person who does believe that there is 'something new in the movies.' In 'Girl Shy,' his latest feature Pathe comedy, being shown today at the Coronet Theatre, he has, in a measure, followed in the footsteps of 'Grandma's Boy,' but he has…
The final performances will be given at the Star Theatre at 5:30 and 9:15 pm, today of the current programme which includes 'Smouldering Fires' and Ted Sanborn with his Xylophone.
Mr. A. Stock presents Ruth St. Denis, Ted Shawn and the Bennisshawan dancers. One night only, Tuesday, December 1st, 9.30 p.m. Price: $5, $3 reserved and $2 unreserved. Booking at Moutrie's.
The famous Denishawn dancers will appear for one night only at the Queen's Theatre next week. The Company includes renowned dancers as Miss Ruth St. Denis and Mr. Ted Shawn. They are supported by Miss Doris Humphrey and Miss Anne Douglas. Booking at Moutries.
Mr. A. Strok presents Ruth St. Denis, Ted Shawn and the Dennisshawn dancers. One night only, Tuesday, December 1st, 9.30 p.m. Prices: $5, $3 reserved and $2 unreserved. (Soldiers and sailors in uniform half price to $2 seats.) Booking at Moutrie's.