Headline: Palisade
Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1916-08-25 - 1916-08-28
(Out-of-door pictures, location near post office, Kowloon) The fourth and fifth episodes of 'The Black Box' (by Universal) are displayed tonight. Photo of the actor (Herbert Rawlinson) included. A drama in 3 reels, Comedy and Tragedy. Picture including Kitchener's Army. Comics…
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-08-26 - 1916-08-28
Tonight, Oppenheim's great mystery serial, 4th and 5th episodes of 'The Black Box,' with each succeeding instalment, the mystery of 'The Black Box' increases in interest and intense excitement, each episode contains a smashing climax; Comedy and Tragedy in 3 reels, a…