Biograph theatres on board Transatlantic liners is the latest idea of the up-to-date steamship companies. It is stated that one of the enterprising companies proposes to fit out a room on board each of its ships, and that moving pictures will be shown nightly during the voyage across the ocean.…
A jerry-built brick Chinese theatre in Sampeng, near Bangkok, was blown down on the 2nd inst. One person was killed and several injured. Fortunately, there was no theatrical performance at the time.
Hong Kong is threatened with a music hall of a pronounced type. These reports are to the effect that Mr. Louis Levy of Manila, has secured permission to open a vaudeville theatre in Hong Kong. We are aware of the fact that Mr. Levy was here a short while ago for the purpose of looking into the…
Mr. James Christie, the proprietor of the Metropole Hotel, Shaukiwan Road, has shown great enterprise after he took over that property. The hotel possesses a large room which is a ballroom; the dais has been converted into a stage. Saturday is the opening night for the theatrical performance.…
Mr. Pereival Gibbon writes in the Daily Mail on St. Petersburg, and comment 'The lamp-festooned gates of the Aquarium filter the people of St. Petersburg, rejecting the common and unclean, together with the gorgeous and the opulent.' There is a theatre, an open air variety show, and a…
Out on the Shaukiwan Road, three miles from Hongkong, stands the Metropole Hotel. Besides theatrical performances, visitors can be sure of receiving courteous treatment and excellent refreshment there. A special feature of the Hotel is the celerity with which special Tiftine Dinners are served…
The attendance at Chinese theatrical performances does not appear to be affected by hot weather. The Ko Shing, West Point is continually crowded and sometimes literally packed, so that the authorities are compelled to step in to ensure public safety. A Chinese official from Ko Shing was summoned…
Extensive building operations are in progress at the Canton Club. The old Club Theatre has been demolished, and we are to have erected a structure which, when finished, will be capable of accommodating the best theatrical companies visiting Hongkong.
At the Theatre Royal last evening the Gaiety Stars Theatrical Company gave their first change of programme and it proved to be such as to meet with the approval of the audience. A review on the Wheelers, Dante, Mr. Eric Howell and new set of biograph pictures had been provided.
Some time ago the proprietors of the Cheung Lok Theatre, at the Longevity Temple, had permitted the admission of more people than the theatre could hold, and therefore some disturbance was created. Some persons who were jealous at these proprietors' big profit, petitioned the authorities,…
The Charles Urban Trading Co., Ltd, forward a very interesting booklet descriptive of the Cinematograph in its relation to Science, Education and matters of state. The enterprise shown and the merit of the contents are commendable.
Canton, 17th October – On the 15th instant, when a theatrical performance was going on in a theatre in the market town of Kut Lee, in the district of Hamhoi, a disturbance arose between some of the spectators, with the result that one man was killed and another wounded by shots fired from…
(From Our Own Correspondent) – Canton, December 5. – Owing to the compulsory cessation of all theatrical business, the proprietors of the various theatres have petitioned Taotai Hsuen Yip for a remission of the theatre tax, and the request has been granted.
The Mayor of New York has summarily revoked all licences for cinematograph exhibitions throughout the city. It is announced that he will not issue any fresh licences until satisfied that adequate precautions are taken against fire. Cinematograph shows have grown recently into a gigantic…
The Alexandra Cinematograph, under its new management, is giving evidence of a spirit of enterprise that is calculated to quickly raise this attractive place of amusement to first place in the affections of the Hongkong public. The Rosa Barnes opening 'Evening at Home' at this theatre…
This place of amusement is becoming increasingly popular with the public, thanks to the continued enterprise of the management. A special attraction for the present week is being provided in the engagement of 'Dante,' the marvellous magician. The pictures, too, are well worth seeing,…
Mr. Louis Calvert has been chosen as the first producer to the long-heralded Millionaire's Theatre in New York. In a long interview with Daily Chronicle, Mr. Calvert has talked about his future theatrical productions.
In the place of the present makoshifts [sic] which do duty as cinematograph theatres, shortly be erected on the site of the present Hongkong Cinematograph in Des Voeux Road, a palatial building of steel frames and reinforced concrete by a syndicate headed by Mr. Fogliano. The building will be…
Under the distinguished patronage of H.K. Governor (Sir Frederick, Lugard K.C.M.G., C.B., D.S.O.) a Chinese theatrical performance is being given nightly in the Tai Ping Theatre in aid of the funds of the Hongkong University. During the performance Chinese refreshments were served. The…
Hongkong is to have two new theatres. Perhaps three! Two are cinematograph theatres. The foundations of the first are now being laid opposite the Central Market, on the plot of land between Des Voeux Road and the Praya where now stands the Hongkong Cinematograph. This land has been acquired by…