H.M.S. Rainbow's Mastodon Minstrels, are to make their first appearance before a Hongkong audience next Thursday evening at Theatre Royal, City Hall. While at the end of this month the Hongkong public will be enabled to witness the latest European scientific and artistic novelties in the…
The latest improved projecting machine in which the vibration so noticeable and trying to the eyes is now entirely eliminated. Views of the Queen's Jubilee in London will be the special feature of the Entertainment. The following scenes will be shown: A dispute between Bicyclists; The…
The Cinematograph for one night only. The latest improved projecting Machine in which the vibration so noticeable and trying to the eyes is now entirely eliminated. Views of the Queen's Jubilee in London will be the special feature of the Entertainment. The following scenes will be shown: A…
A good music-hall programme was given last night in Theatre Royal. Owing to the illness of an important member of the company, viz, the lime-light man, the London Bioscope had to be omitted. Various artists performed included Mr. Bell: a comedian, Miss Delroy on dancing, Miss Maud Lita on…
Change of programme. The Transvaal War and a series of other pictures all new to Hongkong in the London Bioscope, including 'The Late Derby.' 'Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race,' 'Final for the English Football Cup' and 'The White Mahatma.' Positively the…
Enthusiastic reception of beautiful illustrated songs, the Biograph, the Theatrophone and 12 star artists. Harry Gray is the Business Manager. Box plan at the Robinson Piano Co.
Enthusiastic reception of The Biograph, The Theatrephone and beautiful illustrated songs with 12 star artists. Booking at the Robinson Piano Co. Harry Gray is the Business Manager.
First grand change of programme with 12 star artists. Harry Gray is the Business Manager. Box plan at the Robinson Piano Co.
First grand change of programme, with 12 star artists. Everything refined and up-to-date. Booking at the Robinson Piano Co. Harry Gray is the Business Manager.
Tomorrow night the Metropole hotel will be opened with a high-class vaudeville performance. Among the artistes who are billed to appear, are Tom Morcomb, Comedian and mimic; Walter King, Baritone; Miss Gertie Maisie, refined serio-comic; Authur Jones, Comedian and character impersonator; James…
The second popular weekly entertainment at the Metropole Theatre, Metropole Hotel, takes place on Sat evening, commencing at 9 pm. Artists include Tom Morcomb, Miss Gertie Maisie, Walter King, McCormick and McGinty, the Percipaphone, American Biograph, Jas. Christie and George Gibbs. Rickshas […
Considering the state of weather there was good attendance at the Metropole Theatre on Saturday night, and the entertainment was as interesting as was that of the previous week. The artistes were Messrs. George Gibbs, Walter Keene, Gertie Maisie, J. Christie and Tom Morcomb. There was also an…
Metropole Theatre introduced more new artistes by the Ware and Ross Entertainers including Miss Dora Grey, Jack Glynne, The Leopolds, Miss Gertie Maisie, Tom Morcomb, Hugh McCormick, Jas. Christie, Walter Keene, Charlie Jones and the Bioscope. Price and schedule included.
An unusually attractive and new programme has been arranged for Saturday night's performance at the Metropole Theatre on which occasion some new artistes will make their appearance, e.g. Miss Dora Grey. A new series of animated pictures will be displayed by the Bioscope.
More new artistes will be introduced by the Ware and Ross' Entertainers, e.g. Miss Dora Grey, Jack Glynne, The Leopolds, Miss Gertie Maisie, Tom Morcomb, Hugh McCormick, Jas. Christie, Walter Keene, Charlie Jones and the Bioscope.
More new artistes will be introduced by the Ware and Ross' Entertainers, e.g. Miss Dora Grey, Jack Glynne, The Leopolds, Miss Gertie Maisie, Tom Morcomb, Hugh McCormick, Jas. Christie, Walter Keene, Charlie Jones and the Bioscope.
Metropole Theatre introduced more new artistes by the Ware and Ross Entertainers tonight including Miss Dora Grey, Jack Glynne, The Leopolds, Miss Gertie Maisie, Tom Morcomb, Hugh McCormick, Jas. Christie, Walter Keene, Charlie Jones and the Bioscope. Price and schedule included.
A complete change of programme introducing new artistes will be given at the Metropole Theatre on Saturday night. There are some descriptions of the performances. Noted that the Bioscope will display another series of animated pictures just received from London.
The artistic character of 'living pictures' shown in the theatre Royal last night deserved a larger house. The entertainment of the highest class is provided. Sir Approval, Lady Lugard's little friends, the son of the Colonel and Mrs. Darling appreciate the 'living pictures…
The Hong Kong cinematograph proprietor has secured a number of new films lately, and to add to the attractions of the place in Dex Voeux Road three lady artistes favour with songs-French and English. The pictures are varied and excellent.