The Bijou Variety Entertainers opened their concert at the St. Patrick's Hall to a small but appreciative audience. Performers included W. Hunt, George Burnett, H. W. Ray, Violet Quinn, G. James, The Passaros, F. Winckelsett. A very pleasant evening was concluded by some slides from the…
Miss Violet, with her little daughter Thelma, both popular artists at the Alexandra Cinema Theatre, will conclude their present engagement on Saturday evening, prior to their departure for Shanghai, at which place both artists have secured first-class engagements.
At the Alexandra Cinema-Theatre on Saturday evening a very large and enthusiastic audience gathered to witness the farewell performances of Miss Violet Russel and Little Thelma, who have had just concluded a two months' successful engagement with the management of the above theatre.…
Numbers of singers, including Miss Rosita Diralda, Miss Violet Russel, orchestra under Mr F. Gonzales, Mr Donald Harvey, Mr Harry Gould, Mr Leckie, Signor Torras, Miss Giralda, had been performed and number of films had been shown in the middle of the events, firstly 'Her first Bike Ride,…
Two performances every night including magnificent comic and dramatic films; Performance from Miss Violet Rusell and Little Thelma
Benefit performance of Miss Phyllis Eddie Macdonald of the Tivoli Theatre, Sydney. The talented French artistes Mille Cecilia and Mr L. Verard. Miss Violet Ruddell and little Thelma. Two performances nightly. Schedule details included. Tickets can also be obtained at the Robinson Piano Co. Don…
Two performances every night including magnificent comics and dramatic films; Performance from the Miss M'Donald, Mlle. Cecilia, Mr. Verard, Miss Violet Rusell and Little Thelma; Programme change every second day
There was a bumper house at the Victoria Cinematograph on Sunday evening, when Miss P.E. Macdonald held her benefit performance. Mille Cecilia and Mr L. Verard continue to please the large audiences while Miss Violet Russell and Little Thelma are great favourites. The pictures thrown on the…
Miss Phyllis Eddis Macdonald of the Tivoli Theatre, Sydney. The talented French artistes Mille Cecilia and Mr L. Verard. Miss Violet Ruddell and little Thelma. Two performances nightly. Schedule details included. Tickets can also be obtained at the Robinson Piano Co. Don't forget the…
The proprietors of the Bijou Cinematograph Theatre are nightly providing some very excellent fare for their many patrons, including some beautifully clear photographs of the Hongkong coronation decorations. The Biorama pictures are also exceedingly clear and distinct, some of the comic ones…
First favourite with all playgoers, 9.15 p.m. every evening, brilliant moving pictures; performance by Miss Violet Bonnetta and Miss May Maxwell; 7.15 p.m. pictures only.
At the Bijou Scenic Theatre Saturday night, Miss Violet Bonnetta performed well. The pictures throw on the screen are just the thing to put one in good humour, particularly the one entitled 'Max Linder Married.' A good programme has been arranged for the ensuing week.
Cinematograph vaudeville at 9.15 p.m. every evening by Miss Violet Bonnetta; 7.15 p.m. pictures only, the grand English coronation film will arrive shortly.
The Bijou Scenic Theatre is drawing good house nightly. Miss Violet Bonnetta's songs are well received.
Cinematograph Vaudeville at 9.15 p.m. every evening by Miss Violet Bonnetta; the grand English coronation film was especially taken for the Bijou.
Cinematograph vaudeville at 9.15 p.m. every evening by Miss Violet Bonnetta and Miss May Maxwell; the grand English coronation film was especially taken for the Bijou.
Cinematograph Vaudeville every evening; grand coronation picture of King George V. at 9.15 p.m.; performance by Violet Bonnetta and R. H. Stephenson; 7.15 p.m. pictures only; electric fans throughout theatre.
A capital programme is at present being presented to patrons of the Bijou Scenic Theatre. In addition to several new films, an amusing sketch is given in which Miss Violet Bonnetta and Mr. Bob Stephenson take part.
Every evening at 9.15 p.m. the latest pictures; Performers: Miss Violet Bonetta, Mr. R. H. Stephenson and Frank Melrose; 7.15 p.m. pictures only
(Flower Street) Every evening at 9:15 p.m. has cinematograph and vaudeville. Performances by Miss Violet Bonnetta, Mr R. H. Stephenson and Frank Melrose. Pictures only at 7:15 p.m.