A History Of Film Exhibition And Reception In Colonial Hong Kong: 1897 To 1925
Displaying 1 - 20 of 155
Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1908-02-10

Speaking at the Society of Arts, Mr. F. Martin Duncan described that the origin of the cinematograph was originated as far back as 1826 by Sir John Herschel, who, while dining with a friend, asked the latter how he would show both sides of a shilling at once. He was not satisfied with the…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1911-10-06 - 1911-10-06

Boxing contest for the Middleweight Championship. Preliminaries of Terry Martin vs. Leon Pauley. Tomorrow, Saturday at 9 p.m. Price details included.

Headline: Benefit Night
Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1912-10-12

The Victoria cinematograph was packed last night, the occasion being a benefit performance to the popular manager, Mr. Blake. There was a full programme, and every item was thoroughly enjoyed. Mr. R. H. Stephenson, the manager of the Bijou Scenic theatre, kindly assisted with the programme, as…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1913-01-18

The Hughes Musical Comedy Company will have the opening performance 'The Grafters' at the Victoria Theatre tomorrow night. The actors and actress are Mr. Bert La Blane, Mr. Frank Vack, Mr. Dave Nowlin, Mr. Carlton Chase, Mr. Harry Burgess, Miss Gertrude St. Clair, Miss E. Le. Blane,…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1913-01-21

The Hughes Comedy Company staged 'A Day at the Races' last night at the Victoria Theatre. Messrs. Frank Vack, Bert Le Blane, Carlton Chase, Dave Nowlin, Harry Burgess, Miss Teddy Martin, Miss Queen Herman, and Miss Gertrude St. Clair were in the show. It will be repeated tonight.

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1913-01-25

The Hughes Comedy Company staged two short musical comedies at the Victoria Theatre last night. Messrs Le Blane, Vack, Burgess, Miss Gertrude St. Clair, Miss Teddy Martin and Miss Eugenie Le Blane did well in their parts. The songs and choruses were as good as ever.

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1913-01-27

The Hughes Comedy Company presented 'Spedelbounder's Dream' at the Victoria Theatre last night. Mr. Vack and Mr. Le Blane kept the audience in a good, steady laugh throughout and Miss Eugenie Le Blane, Miss St. Clair and Miss Martin were as entertaining as ever. Tonight, this will…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1913-04-11

Living pictures of some of the strangest people in the world will be shown shortly at a West End cinema theatre. These pictures are made by Mr. Jack London and Mr. Martin Johnson, who had bought back 26,000 feet of film after his travel to the South Sea Islands. The cinema machine has secured…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1913-05-23

There is a joint celebration on the Shakespeare Commemoration by the Shakespeare Reading Society and the London Shakespeare League. Dr. William Martin lectured at King's College on 'The Cinema in its relation to the Drama.' Dr. Martin said the cinema is less suitable than a…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-09-21

The entertainment at the Victoria Theatre last night was one of the best music-hall shown that have been seen here. The Venue Amateur Dramatic Society's performance was attractive. Mr. F. Hickman, Mr. P. Levers, Mr. L. Hatton, Messrs A. King and J. Gray, Mr. S. Martin, Mr. F. Waterman, Mr.…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1917-03-05

Writers and producers of 'lecherous and slimy play' have been picked out for especial denunciation in the Bishop of London's campaign against vice in the British metropolis. The eminent English actor, Mr. H. B. Irving, in an evening lecture at the Church of St. Martin's-in-…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1917-06-01 - 1917-06-05

On June 2, showing an exclusive Italian film. 'Mystery of St. Martin's Bridge' in 5 parts.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1917-06-02 - 1917-06-02

Screening of 'Mystery of St. Martin's Bridge'

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1917-06-04 - 1917-06-04

Tonight: Screening of 'Mystery of St. Martin's Bridge'; Special matinee at 5 p.m.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1917-06-05 - 1917-06-05

Tonight: Screening of 'Mystery of St. Martin's Bridge'

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1917-12-06

Mr. Martin Harvey, the well-known actor, speaking at Nottingham University College, argued the need for the establishment, now more than at any other time, of a national-theatre where plays of Shakespeare could be worthily and periodically produced. If we took Shakespeare more to our hearts we…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1919-01-21 - 1919-01-27

Wednesday January 22 to Friday 24, screening 1st, 2nd and 3rd episode of 'The Voice on the Wire,' also Comics. Friday January 24th, matinee at 5.15 p.m. by special request repeating, 'Tennessee's Pardner,' a beautiful Paramount drama in 5 parts, featuring Fannie Ward. On…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1919-01-22 - 1919-01-24

Wednesday, 22nd to Friday, 24th January, screening 1st, 2nd and 3rd episodes, 'The Voice on the Wire,' and comics. Friday 24th, matinee 5.15 p.m., by special request, repeating 'Tennessee's Pardner,' a beautiful Paramount drama in 5 parts, featuring Fannie Ward. Saturday…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1919-01-26 - 1919-01-28

25th, 26th, 27th and 28th January, showing Paramount photoplay in 5 parts, Vivian Martin in 'The Stronger Love,' including Gazette and comics. Wednesday. 29th January, showing 4th to 6th episodes of 'The Voice on the Wire.'

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1919-03-22 - 1919-03-25

22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th March, showing 9th and 10th episodes, 'A Lass of the Lumberlands.' Also Gazette and comics. Tuesday 25th, matinee at 5.15 p.m., 7th and 8th episodes 'Gloria's Romance.' Wednesday 26th, see Vivian Martin in 'The Right Direction' (…