The Cinematograph continues to draw large attendances daily and nightly at St. Andrew's Hall. Mr. W. Muskett's lucid and interesting 'lecture' enhanced the pleasure of young people. Professor Charvet will shortly introduce an entirely new set of pictures.
Prof. F. Starr sailed recently from New York for Africa. He hopes to have new light upon their origin and ancestry by making a series by making a new video. He will also ask Mr. Samual Verner, another scientist, for help. Prof. Starr hopes to throw new light upon their origin and ancestry by…
It was a private view of the wonderful photographs taken of wild birds on their nests, feeding their young, etc. by Messrs. Richard and Kearton. The photographs were taken by a bioscope. They were run through in film form on the bioscope machine.
The appearance of Miss Beryl Lytton at the Hongkong Cinematograph on Saturday and Sunday evenings attracted a good house and the singing of this young lady was received with enthusiasm. The pictures were excellent, particularly the series representing riding fests in an Italian School of…
The Victoria Cinematograph continues to draw large audiences every evening. The pictures this week are up to their usual high-class standard and include 'The Two Pick-pockets,' 'The Gendarme has a keen eye,' 'Music and Poetry,' 'For a Crown.' 'The…
Performance by Melle Dorita, Miss Bessie Young and magician Ilford
The Alexandra Cinematograph, under the original management, provided a bright and pleasing entertainment in the Cinema Theatre, Zetland Street. Good artists have been engaged, including Miss Bessie Young and Miss Dory-ta, and the films were clear and interesting.
Performers: Miss Bessie Young, Serio Comic & Miss Dorita. Good pictures, new songs and new dances.
Alexandra Cinema-Theatre was providing a select programme this week. The two lady artistes engaged are Dori-Ta and Bessie Young. All the films shown were new and the pictures were thrown on the screen without a 'flicker.' The splendid system of ventilation guarantees the patrons a cool…
Premier hall of Hong Kong, Des Voeux Road Central. Tonight, Friday, 10th, grand benefit performance of Phillip Sisters. Good pictures. Madame Harrison. Miss Bessie Young. Tomorrow matinees at 4 p.m.
A grand benefit performance to the Sister Philips was given at the Victoria Cinematograph last night and there was a good attendance. Madame Harrison also appeared in new songs and Miss Dory-ta appears as Miss B. Young.
Premier hall of Hong Kong, Des Voeux Road Central. Good pictures. Phillip Sisters. Madame Harrison. Miss Bessie Young. Matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 4 p.m.
Performer: Miss Bessie Young; Excellent up-to-date pictures, including 'Flash James', a most realistic dramatic film
From 7:15 to 8:45 p.m. and 9:15 to 11:15 p.m. The finest and coolest hall in the colony. Performance by Little Kitty tonight. Monster programme. Mr James Younge of the Bandmann Opera Co. is the stage manager.
When Messrs Ramos and Ramos contemplated building the popular picture palace, the Victoria Theatre, it was thought that the building to be erected would have ample accommodation for some years to come. Certainly on benefit nights, matinees and at many other times the accommodation is wholly…
In Shanghai, on the 9th, Sam Gale, vaudeville artist, applied under the Children's Act, 1904, for a license to permit his young daughter, Sadie Gale, to perform at the Victoria Cinematograph Hall. This, the first allocation made in Shanghai, was granted.
Performance by That Young IMP, also Nick Winter, Miss Ada Rowley and Miss Gladys Spencer
(Flower Street) The great drama 'That Young IMP' tonight. Comics by Prince and Nick Winter. Performances by Miss Ada Rowley and Miss Gladys Spencer.
There are complaints about three young men seated in the front portion of the house persisted in making offensive remarks aloud, during one of the singing performance at the Victoria Theatre last night.
Tonight's programme: 'Love's Young Dream' (drama), 'Winter Sports at Boleda', two fine Comics and Pathe Gazette including Stag Hounds Meet', 'British, French, and Russian Fleets off Constantinople', 'Great Fire at Johannesburg' and '…