New programmes will be presented, including Panama Exhibition film, at the Victoria Theatre. 'A Traitor to his country,' Warner's 'The Battling British,' Sardou's 'Theodoro,' 'Sir Highwayman' will also be shown.
Tonight, 5th and 6th episodes of the great success serial of love and danger, 'The Fatal Ring,' with Pearl White and Warner Oland. Also Pathe British Gazette No. 437, Annals of the War No. 18 and comedy, 'Luke, Plumber' in two parts.
Tonight, fine programme, Pearl White and Warner Oland in 'The Fatal Ring,' episode 9 and episode 10. Also Harold Loyd [sic] in 'Lonesome Luke Loses Patients.' Sunday 6 p.m., by many requests, 'The Cigarette Girl,' a Gold Rooster play featuring Gladys Hulette. Don…
May 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th, a continuation of the great success, 'The Fatal Ring,' episode 15 and 16, featuring Pearl White and Warner Oland. Exclusive to the Victoria Theatre, Captain Bruce Bairnsfather's Cartoons (series no. 1), 'Fragments from France,' Bystander famous…
Tonight, screening 'Mother Love,' Warner's dramatic feature, complete story in 6 parts, including Charlie Chaplin's, cartoons and other comics. Wednesday 15th May, see the thrilling drama in 5 parts, 'Frustrated Power.'
Thursday night, Pearl White with Warner Oland in 'The Lightning Raider,' Pathe's supreme effort in photoplay production. Book straightaway at Anderson's. Photo and film plot included. August 26 Remarks: On page 5, another ad. on the film.
Tonight's programme, Pathe's peerless serial star, Pearl White with Warner Oland in 'The Lightning Raider,' episodes 1 and 2. Today's matinee: 'The Bull's Eye,' episodes 15, 16 and 17. Booking at Anderson's.
Pathe's peerless serial star, Pearl White with Warner Oland in 'The Lightning Raider,' episode 1st: 'The Ebony Blook,' episode 2nd: 'The Counter Plot.' Matinee: 'The Bull's Eye' (episode 15, 16 and 17). Booking at Anderson's. August 29…
Tonight's programme, Pathe's peerless serial star, Pearl White with Warner Oland in 'The Lightning Raider,' 1st episode: The Ebony Block; 2nd episode: The Counter Plot. Today's matinee, 'The Bull's Eye,' episodes 15, 16 and 17. Booking at Anderson's…
Pearl White, Warner Oland and Harold Lloyd with their company.
The new programme that the Victoria Theatre management is showing tonight is a very fine one. There is one of the most excruciating comics in which Harold Lloyd has taken part, entitled 'Look out Below.' Also the 7th and 8th episodes of 'The Lightning Raider' depict Pearl…
Presents tonight, Pearl White, Warner Oland and Harold Lloyd with their company.
Yesterday, a very special film was screened during the matinee and at night, at the Hongkong Theatre, entitled 'The Little Liar.' The management announces that another splendid drama, in which H. B. Warner will take the leading role, entitled 'The market of Van Desire,' will…
Tonight, H. B. Warner in 'The Market of Vain Desire.' Usual prices.
Another big attraction, commencing tonight, the popular dramatic star, H. B. Warner with the beautiful and favourite Clara Williams in 'The Market of Vain Desire.' Also excellent comedies. Book your seats in advance. Prices as usual.
The main feature of the Hongkong Theatre programme for today in Hongkong Theatre is a five-reel drama entitled 'The Market of Vain Desires.' The leading roles are taken by H. B. Warner and Clara Williams. The Story is by the well-known author Thomas Ince and the film is produced by the…
Tonight, H. B. Warner in 'The Market of Vain Desire.' Usual prices. April 24 Remarks: On page 5, another ad. on H. B. Warner and Clara Williams in 'The Market of Vain Desire,' also excellent comedies.
Thursday and Friday, 10th and 11th June, for two days only, H. B. Warner and Dorothy Dalton in 'The Raiders' and Billy West in 'The Villain.'
For two days only. H. B. Warner and Dorothy Dalton in 'The Raiders.' Billy West in 'The Villian.'
Thursday and Friday, 10th and 11th June, for two days only, H. B. Warner and Dorothy Dalton in 'The Raiders,' and Billy West in 'The Villain.'