First presentation of the Great Illusion 'Noah's Ark', second edition of the truly marvellous and up-tp-date Cinematographe including 'A Call on the London Fire Brigade,' 'Greco-Turkish War' and 'A Gun Boat in Full Action.' Under the distinguished…
Carl Hertz, the great London conjuror presented new tricks. First presentation of the Great Illusion 'Noah's Ark,' second edition of the truly marvellous and up-to-date Cinematographe including 'A Call on the London Fire Brigade,' 'Greco-Turkish War,' 'A…
Tonight, and also Easter Monday night, performance by Carl Hertz. Entirely new and up-to-date Pictures. The Cinematographe is showing 20 new and startling subjects, including A Call on the London Fire Brigade, Greco-Turkish War, A Gun Boat in Full Action and The Prince of Wales' Derby.…
Carl Hertz, the great London conjuror presented new tricks. To see the Great Illusion 'Noah's Ark' or 'After the Flood.' And the New Pictures on the Cinematographe: 'The Greco-Turkish War,' 'Call on the London Fire Brigade,' and 'The Prince of…
We understand that the Reception Committee for the entertainment of H. R. H. Prince Arthur of Connaught, on his arrival in the Colony next month decided at their meeting yesterday to invite the public, both European and Chinese. H. R. H. dine with the Chinese Community in the Ko Shing Theatre.…
For the preparation of Prince Arthur of Connaught's visit, a Chinese banquet is to be given at enormous expense in the Ko Shing Theatre.
To the Editor S. C. M. Post – One citizen wrote to suggest the change of venue of the Chinese dinner in the Ko Shing Theatre, in the arrival of Prince Arthur Connaught. The writer suggests this decision is not suitable and suggest Supreme Court buildings and Post Office; the Harbour Master'…
The Charles Urban Trading Co., Ltd, forward a very interesting booklet descriptive of the Cinematograph in its relation to Science, Education and matters of state. The enterprise shown and the merit of the contents are commendable.
New films. Latest novelties. The London Horse Show, at which His Majesty King Edward and H. R. H. the Prince of Wales were present. Sisters and brothers. Engel. Song and dance. And other artists. Films and apparatus for sale. Don't forget the address: Des Voeux Road, Pottinger Street.
A magnificent moving picture descriptive of a trip to Niagara Falls is exhibited at the Hongkong Cinematograph. It is undoubtedly one of the finest pictures that has yet been shown in the Colony; In Victoria Cinematograph, an interesting series of pictures is being thrown on the screen this week…
Wednesday evening, 'Portugal's Tragedy.' 'Funeral of the late King and Crown Prince.' Two performances nightly. Don't forget the address: Des Voeux Road (Pottinger Street Corner).
Charles Nugent sued Auguste Daufresne and claimed $1000 balance due as money paid for and on behalf of the defendant. The court continues to deal with the case. The defendant said he had nothing to do with the Union Commerical Company. The witness had an agreement with the Hongkong Cinematograph…
The hearing was continued of the action in which Charles Nuget [sic] sued Auguste Daufresne. The defendant said that two accounts were paid by the Union Commercial.
A single picture can be good likeness in a rare case. M. Reynaud invented a toy, known as the 'praxinoscope,' to imitate 'moving picture' as the cinematograph would be too expensive and too unwieldy to show off a collection of one's friends' portraits. The…
At the time of the arrival of the late Prince Ito at Harbin Station, a number of Russian cinematograph photographers were taking pictures of the various scenes. On the 17th, they were sold to Mr. Tanomogi, of the Japan Press Agency, Tokio, for the sum of 15,000 yen, the highest price ever paid…
The cinematograph showed the assassination of Prince Ito at Harbin for the first time at Tokio on February 1.
The cinematograph showed the assassination of Prince Ito to the public at the Wrestling Amphitheatre, Ryogoku, under the auspices of Mr. Tanomogi, proprietor of the Japan Press Association.
There was a complete change of programme on Saturday in the Bijou. Performances by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Chrystal. The biorama was an interesting one, especially the grand opera 'Carmen,' and the funny picture 'Double sight,' represented by the well-known Max Linder…
The Great Championship Fight - Nelson v. Hyland, from this date at 5.30 and 7 p.m.; Tonight 9.15 p.m., a complete change of programme and pictures; performances by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Crystal. The Biorama: 'Carmen,' 'Seal Hunting off Tasmania,' 'Double Sight…
Tonight 9.15 p.m., a complete change of programme and pictures; performances by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Crystal. The Biorama: 'Carmen,' 'An Unlucky Picture,' 'A Mill Stone Quarry,' 'Octavius'(comic), 'Seal Hunting off Tasmania,' '…