The Great Thurston is back in town after a somewhat triumphal tour North, and gives a series of performances at the Ko Shing Theatre, commencing tomorrow night.
The announcement of a cinematograph show to be given on Saturday next at 9 p.m. in the rooms lately occupied by Messrs Weismann, Ltd., in Wyndham Street. Performances will be given every night and the programme changed once a week. The company running the business hail from Paris and have now…
A series of living pictures were given; Proceeds after expenses have been paid will be devoted to the North-Eastern Hospital for Children in London, and to the fund for the Restoration of Winchester Cathedral. Booking at the Robinson Piano Co.
The lecture on the 'Origin of Rocks' by Mr. A. C. Franklin at the Chinese Y.M.C.A. was attended by a large crowd of men. After the close of the lecture, an opportunity was given to examine through a powerful microscope some sections of local rocks, the slides of which had been made by…
Miss Thorne sang that night with orchestra, under Mr. Coke and Mr. Gonzales, at the hall of the Alexandra Cinematograph on Empire Day to please a number of North Country patrons. The pictures shown are very pleasing.
Mr.Maurice Bandmann arrived in the Colony yesterday, but his stay is of short duration. Mr. Bandmann is visiting the north on business and he is still hoping to see a modern theatre built in Hongkong.
Mr. R. H. Stephenson, lately connected with the Bandmann's and Dallas Opera Companies and the Warwick Major Company, arrived from the north by the s.s. Arcadia. He is to take charge of the new Bijou Scenic Theatre in Flower Street
Mr. Charles Pathe (of Pathe Freres) was among passengers leaving for the north yesterday. He is on a business visit to Hong Kong and now proceeds to Shanghai, Peking and Yokohama.
The Alaska-Siberia motion pictures at the Bijou Theatre were well patronized last night despite the stormy weather. Audiences were impressed by the pictures of the animal life in the far north.
Special pictures are being shown at the Bijou this week, including a Wiffles film. Wise and Milton, who have been making a great hit in the North, are giving some screamingly funny comedy turns.
The Great Duncan and his company are now performing in Manila, after making a tour up north with such success at the Victoria Theatre.
There will be a lantern lecture in connection with the Mount Austin Men's Society in the Recreation Hall at Mt. Austin Barracks on Wednesday, commencing at 8 p.m. The subject is 'Nansen's Fareast North.'
Wiffles in Love and War' and 'For Honour and Country,' are the features in current Victoria Theatre programme. Other pictures are those dealing with events of the day and a series showing North Sea trawling.
Despite strong counter attractions, the Victoria Theatre was well crowded last night, when the Howitt Phillips Company made a welcome reappearance after a successful season in the North. The play staged was 'Peg o' My Heart.' Miss Doris Phillips, Miss Isobel Fladgate, Mr.Wheeler…
The Tramp' featuring Henry Krauss will be screened tonight at the Victoria Theatre. Pathe's British and American Gazettes are really good this week and comic pictures are worth seeing. A well-known cinema serial 'The Fatal Ring' featuring Pearl White is expected shortly from…
Seven men were charged before Mr. Dyer Ball, at the Police Court this morning, with behaving in a disorderly manner at the Kei You [sic] Fong Theatre. Only two of them appeared, the bail money of the others being estreated. It was stated by Sergeant Cockle that the men were from the North…
The latest scheme is to convert the Empire Theatre, Pavilion and its subsidiary enterprises into a Limited Liability Company, says the 'N. C. D. Mail.' Many are interested in the scheme as it aims at controlling the Cinema business in North China.
History repeats itself. When 'Thou Shalt Not' was produced in England some four months ago, upwards of a hundred copies of the film were put into circulation. Despite this fact, there were ‘kicks' from all over the country about the non-arrival of the film on the appointed day,…
M. Therese and Mesdames Sanour and Gordon are to appear at the Victoria Theatre at the 7 o'clock performances tonight and tomorrow. They will give their final displays at the North Point gardens on Friday and Saturday and will leave on Monday for Singapore.
Opening night on or about Saturday, 2nd Novermber, commencing at 9.00 p.m., come and see our star artistes. Matinees: Wednesdays and Saturdays. Door open at 3 p.m. Commencing 4 p.m. Price details included. Booking at Robinson Piano Co. From 7.00 to 9.00 p.m., grand display of Dutch fireworks (…