Carl Hertz, the great London conjuror presented new tricks. To see the Great Illusion 'Noah's Ark' or 'After the Flood.' And the New Pictures on the Cinematographe: 'The Greco-Turkish War,' 'Call on the London Fire Brigade,' and 'The Prince of…
Department store ad. Sale of Cinemagraphs in various prices. Mentioned that Cinemagraphs can be worked by a child.
Tomorrow night the Metropole hotel will be opened with a high-class vaudeville performance. Among the artistes who are billed to appear, are Tom Morcomb, Comedian and mimic; Walter King, Baritone; Miss Gertie Maisie, refined serio-comic; Authur Jones, Comedian and character impersonator; James…
We are to have another exhibition of 'moving pictures' shortly. 'Smiling Metaner' writes us from Manila under date May 14, asking us to announce that he will be in Hongkong with the Britt-Nelson Fight pictures. In the meantime he expects to finish a very successful season in…
The play's the thing,' sang the much quoted William. The natives of fair Cathay think similarly. When a popular piece is staged at the Taiping theatre a speculator usually buys up all the best seats and then sells them at the door, or in the streets. One hawker was fined $5.
The only Chinese actor in America appearing in an English speaking company is Ah Sam, who plays Sing Wing as William Collier's support in 'Caught in the Rain' at the Victoria theatre on Monday (says the 'Daily Colonist,' Vancouver). Ah Sam was born and raised in Hong…
A meeting of the Legislative Council was held in the Council Chamber yesterday. Protecting the Public: The Bill to regulate Theatres was also read a second and third time and passed. From time to time the public had been shocked by some terrible catastrophe which had occurred in some parts of…
Intending visitors to the Alexandra Cinematograph would do well to book their seats early, as the present bill-of-fare is drawing crowded houses. Last night money had to be turned away. The pictures are good and the dances of La Chiquita and Miss Amity very fascinating.
Jeffries and Johnson: Mr. M'Intosh had tried to secure the management of the Jeffries-Johnson fight but failed. The feeling in certain parts of America, especially in Texas, where he had had some unique experiences with regard to the exhibition of the Burns-Johnson films, was very intense…
The event in December was the battle at Sydney Stadium between Bill Lang of Australia and Robert Fitzsimmons. Two sets of cinematograph pictures were taken. They will be exhibited in Sydney and Melbourne simultaneously, and should be well patronized by admirers of stoush; for if the pictures are…
Cinematograph Displays: The Attorney General moved the first reading of a bill to amend the Theatres and Public Performances Regulation Ordinance, 1908. This bill is directed to placing cinematograph displays under the censorship of the Registrar General. The precaution is now deemed desirable…
The Attorney General moved the second reading of the Bill to amend the Theatres and Public Performances Regulation Ordinance, 1908. The Attorney General said it has been thought desirable to place cinematograph exhibitions under the censorship of the Registrar General. There were reasons which…
The bill at the Empire Theatre during the past week has been a particularly pleasing one, and as a result, more than usually good houses have been the result. The very dainty song specialty of Misses Addie Leigh and Maggie Frazer, entitled 'Thinking,' continues to elicit commendation,…
A large audience marked on Wednesday evening Hongkong's appreciation of the superior programme offered by the Empire Theatre. They were treated to a surprise not on the bill, in the presentation by Miss Addie Leigh, in response to a special request, of Paolo Tosti's 'Goodbye,…
There was a bumper house at the Bijou Scenic Theatre on Saturday night in response to the attractive bill of fare which had been advertised. Performances by Miss Vera Ferrace, Miss Mae Montgomery and Mr. Chas Castleman. The pictures exhibited are all good.
(Flower Street) Chinese New Year holidays. 4 performances daily at 2, 4, 7 and 9:15 p.m. Popular prices. See hand bills.
A good bill of fare is being nightly provided at the 'Empire.' Miss Dolly Swift, Mr. Denis Carney and Mr. Gus Hayward all perform great shows. The pictures cannot be said to be entirely new to the Colony, but some of them are extremely amusing and one of the most striking is '…
A complete change of programme will take place tomorrow at the Bijou Scenic Theatre. New songs by Miss Vera Ferrace and Mr. Stephenson and fresh pictures on the biorama are billed; The Empire will exhibit for the first time Pathe's coloured film entitled 'The Inn or The Drunk.'…
The change of programme at the Bijou Scenic Theatre on Wednesday proved a success. Both Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Grace Vyveene were exceedingly good, and as to Mr. Stephenson, he quite excelled himself. Another change of programme is billed for tomorrow. Children are reminded that Mr.…
A high standard bill, amusing moving pictures also will be shown; the great historical picture Athaliah, art film by Pathe Freres; all coloured - length 2,000 feet; performances by the Donnellys; book your seats early.