The 20th Century Projectoscope Company (Edison's Latest): The Coronation! The Coronation! The passion play is in 5 miles of film presenting the Coronation of King Edward in details. Price details included. Note the management wish to inform the public of Hongkong this machine is the latest…
The Coronation! The Passion Play as it is played in Oberammergau. The Coronation of King Edward in detail. 5 Miles of Film. All the latest Novelties of the Cinematographic spheres. Note: The management wish to inform the public of Hongkong that they have the pleasure of bringing the first of…
Department store ad. Sale of Cinemagraphs in various prices. Mentioned that Cinemagraphs can be worked by a child.
L. S. Robert Willa, (No. 63) placed Pang Kai before Mr. Haseland, at the Police Court on Monday, charged with assaulting him whilst in the execution of his duty at the Ko Shing Theatre on the 29th ultimo. Wills stated that defendant, while in the theatre, would not sit down, thereby obstructing…
P. S. 75 MacDonald, of Yau ma-ti police station, charged a Chinaman with behaving in a disorderly and riotous manner in the Po Hing Theatre on the evening of the 23rd instant, Mr, Orme fined him $5.
The Ko Shing Theatre got into trouble again, and were summoned by P. S. Fenton for blocking the gangways of the theatre. Mr. Looker appeared for the defence, and a fine of $100 was imposed. Another summon against the theatre charged a nominal fine of $1.
To the Editor S. C. M. Post – One citizen wrote to suggest the change of venue of the Chinese dinner in the Ko Shing Theatre, in the arrival of Prince Arthur Connaught. The writer suggests this decision is not suitable and suggest Supreme Court buildings and Post Office; the Harbour Master'…
An exhibition of moving pictures will be given on May 17th, 18th and 19th. The pictures are largely of the late Russo-Japanese War; Some Okayama Orphanage scenes of events in London, the Continent and America were introduced. Price details included. Plan at the Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. Mr. S.…
The Cinematograph Pathe will exhibit the 'Passion Play, Oberammergau,' film 6000 feet long. Also many other films, comic, dramatic & sensational, never seen in Hongkong. Booking at Messrs S. Moutrie & Co.
We understand that the booking at S. Moutrie and Co.'s for the entertainment in the theatre Royal this evening by the Cinematograph Pathe is brisk, and those contemplating a visit to a show are reminded to book as early as possible in order to secure a good position. The film is one of 6000…
The play's the thing,' sang the much quoted William. The natives of fair Cathay think similarly. When a popular piece is staged at the Taiping theatre a speculator usually buys up all the best seats and then sells them at the door, or in the streets. One hawker was fined $5.
The only Chinese actor in America appearing in an English speaking company is Ah Sam, who plays Sing Wing as William Collier's support in 'Caught in the Rain' at the Victoria theatre on Monday (says the 'Daily Colonist,' Vancouver). Ah Sam was born and raised in Hong…
Shameen, November 8 – Illuminations: At 9:30 in the evening another concert was given by the band, accompanied by a cinematograph entertainment, which was thoroughly enjoyed. The grounds of the Consulate were beautifully set off above the main gateway. A word of praise is due to Consul Fox for…
The moving pictures of the famous Johnson-Burns fight which took place at Sydney, Australia, on December 26, have been brought to Manila by Sydney S. Cohan, one of the promoters of the fight, and will be seen in Hongkong at an early date. These pictures are the best that have ever been taken of…
To the Editor S. C. M. Post – Your excellent editorial note of today regarding cinematograph pictures deserves more than passing consideration. Apart altogether from the question as to whether such pictures are intended to educate or amuse the public, there remains the fact that they can be made…
To the Editor S. C. M. Post – The writer was astonished that men of the educational attainments of Mr. Lau Chu Pak, Mr. Tam Tze Kong, Mr. Leung Pui Chi, and others should have been so weak-minded as to kneel down and kowtow thrice, three times in succession, before the effigy of Confucius (a…
To the Editor S. C. M. Post – A reader's response to the British resident Mr. M. Stewart's letter regarding the use of land. 'The Government say the Chinese contractor must have the piece of ground on the Praya that they had to use a portion of it to make macadam on, all because…
The moving pictures exhibited in Shanghai of the S. V. C. Inspection and Church Parade served to attract quite a large number of the citizen soldiers.
To the Editor S. C. M. Post – I visited the Salon Cinema show in Flower Street for the purpose of seeing the excellent films of the late Sovereign's funeral which were being shown, as a member of the loyal and patriotic audience present, could not but feel deeply impressed and touched by…
(Des Voeux Road Central) From 7:15 to 8:45 p.m. and 9:15 to 11:15 p.m. The thrilling picture, 'The Golden Belt.' Debut of Miss Ruby Williams on Tuesday. Debut of Lyall Sisters on Wednesday. Miss Lynda Davies is coming on January 26. 'A Dead Man's Child' on Thursday.