At the Supreme Court, a case continues in the action brought by Tsip Kee, a rice dealer, carrying on business at 121 Des Voeux Road, to recover the sum of money from three partners of the Tai Ping Theatre. Ye Ying Wo, is one of the so-called partners.
Canton, April 16 – Sometime ago the Commissioner of France sent each Magistrate 1000 premium Bond tickets to persuade people to investigate in them. The Commissioner proposed to have Messrs Liu Kun Ying and Li Fong Lau to lecture in theatres and cinematograph houses on the benefits of the…
The staff and scholars of the Ying Wa College were to have held their annual prize distribution on Saturday evening when quite on ambitions entertainment was arranged. The terrace near the hostel was elaborately fitted up as an open air theatre, with stage and gallery complete.
In the Summary Court yesterday, before the Chief Justice Sir William Rees Davies, K.C., the Yuen Wo Hong of 31 Bonham Strand West, merchants, sued the Him Kee Firm of 3 Po Hing Fong, and Ho Him Chai, clerk in the Ko Shing Theatre, partner in the defendant firm, for $661.35, balance of the amount…
The building erected on the site of the old Empire Cinema Theatre, has been completed, now being used as a Chinese Theatre. The entrance has been tastefully decorated in Chinese fashion for the opening performance which will take place in a few days. The name of the new concern is 'Wo Ping…
Several deserving objects were set for the Bazaar which commenced yesterday at St. Paul's College, Glenealy. In the evening a cinema show was held, 'Lest we Forget' and Charlie Chaplin films being the attraction. Mr Jung Cheung Ying and Mr Chung kindly provided the films.
The Wo Ping (Peace) Theatre, which is on the site of the old Empire Theatre opposite the Central Market, had its opening night on Monday, where it gave a free performance to a vast crowd of spectators.
At Cochrane Street on Friday morning, truck No. 202, drawn by several coolies, collided with a man connected with a theatrical company now performing at the Wo Ping Theatre.
The honorary treasurer of the Alice Memorial and Affiliated Hospitals, acknowledges with thanks from the funds subscripted by Wo Ping Theatre ($146.77).
The Hon. Treasurer of the Alice Memorial and Affiliated Hospitals begs to acknowledge, with thanks, The Wo Ping Theatre for contributing $50 to the fund of the Hospital.
The Honorary Treasurer of the Alice Memorial and Affiliated Hospitals, begs to acknowledge, with thanks, to Wo Ping Theatre who contributed $50 to the funds of the Hospitals.
Tonight, besides the screening of 'The Lightning Raider,' there will appear two genuine artistes, Miss Blanche Rossetti, a wonderful soprano, and Mr. Baroen, a famous 'cellist, who have Wo Laurels in Australia and the East. Programme details included.
The Honorary Treasurer of the Alice Memorial and Affiliated Hospitals, begs to acknowledge, with thanks, to Wo Ping Theatre who contributed $150 to the funds of the Hospitals.
An interesting prosecution was made yesterday when the manager of the Wo Ping Theatre, was charged by the P. W. D. with unlawfully allowing 239 people to sleep on the premises. Defendant said that since the last prosecution against him for a similar offence, he had made other arrangements for…
The management of the Wo Ping Theatre was charged at the Police Court today, before Mr. N. L. Smith, with allowing actors to sleep on the premises. A fine of $25 was imposed.
The manager of the Wo Ping Theatre was summoned at the Magistracy yesterday for allowing actors to sleep in the theatre. Mr. E. L. Agassiz, defending, said that since the last action taken against the theatre the management had secured accommodation for 52 persons.
A well-known Chinese resident, Mr. Ying Kee, Rickshaw dealer and one of the oldest residents in the Colony, died on the evening of the 17th. The deceased was the owner of the Hongkong Theatre and a partner of the Asiatic Lithograph Depot at West Point.
Enquiries at the Wo Ping Chinese theatre, opposite the Central Market, yesterday elicited no confirmation of the rumour that the theatre is to be demolished to give room for the construction of the new Fire Station. An official of the concern states that no definite arrangement has arrived at…
The body of a Chinese watchman employed at the Wo Ping Theatre was found outside No.3 Queen Victoria Street, with multiple injuries.
The manager the Wo Ping Theatre was today summoned before Mr. N. L. Smith for issuing indecent advertisements. The advertisements were in respect of some pills which were said to be efficacious for certain ailments. The manager was defended by Mr. Arculli. Evidence having been given in respect…