Canton, 8th May – The new theatre opposite the Dutch Folly has been completed and the first performance in the new building took place yesterday.
(Flower Street) Every evening at 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. This week a special programme, The Flower Street follies, combined with cinematograph and vaudeville.
Every evening at 7 p.m. and 9.15 p.m. This week, a special programme of Cinematograph Vaudeville and The Flower Street Follies; see handbill for the popular prices.
The Bijou has had good houses for the last few nights. The Follies presented by the popular management has been a good feature. Tonight another change of programme is to be presented.
Cinematograph Vaudeville, 6 brilliant moving pictures by Miss Vera Ferrace, Miss Grace Vyveene, and the Flower Street Follies; see handbill for popular prices.
Performances by the 'Flower Street Follies' were well received at the Bijou Cinematograph on Saturday night. Mr. Chas. Maekaye's rich humour should be seen to be appreciated.
The Bijou Theatre had a good audience again last night, when the 'Flower Street Follies' repeated their performance. The pictures shown are excellent.
Full change of programme will be made tonight at the Bijou and Victoria cinematograph theatres. At the Bijou, Miss Violet Bonetta and Bob Stephenson will present a new sketch. Among the pictures worthy of mention are 'Charles Daix,' 'Ariam and his dog' and 'In a moment…
In spite of the abundance of amusement provided for Hongkongites during the weekend, the cinematograph halls were well patronized. A particularly attractive programme was that of the Bijou, an amusing little sketch, arranged by Mr. Stevenson, provoking great laughter. Miss Violet Bonnetta…
Bombay is just now the favoured of the gods as far as entertainments go, observes an Indian paper. The Follies are at the Empire Theatre, the Bandmann Opera Company, old and new style, both seem to have taken a liking to the – ahem! – the second city of India. Performance by Mr Matheson Lang,…
All new programme showing 'A Faithful Son' (drama), 'Military Gymnastic Display' and four star comics; Vaudeville performance by Miss Dollie Swift and Miss Gladys Spencer; Coming performance by The Flower-Street Follies
All new programme at 9:15 p.m. Performances by Miss Dolly Swiff and Miss Gladys Spencer. Special attraction on Friday, 20th inst. and during Christmas week, The Flower-Street Follies.
9.15 p.m. Tonight: The latest pictures; Performance by Dolly Swift and Gladys Spencer; special attraction on Friday 20th inst. and during Xmas Week 'Taiksi's' original stunt, The Flower-Street Follies.
Special Xmas programme at 9.15 p.m. Tonight with all new pictures and performance by The Flower-Street Follies; 7.15 p.m. pictures only
The management of the Bijou Scenic Theatre is providing its patrons with a special Christmas bill during the coming week in the shape of an entertainment by the Flower Street Follies.
Tonight at 9:15 p.m. Special Christmas programme of all new pictures, including The Flower-Street Follies. Pictures only at 7:15 p.m.
9.15 p.m. Tonight - Special Programme: New pictures and The Flower-Street Follies; 7.15 pictures only.
Unlike some previous Christmas times that we have known in Hongkong, there will be abundance of entertainment for amusement lovers this winter. The Theatre Royal is booked up for a series of entertainments. Victoria Theatre: The ever-popular Victoria Theatre is building up great expectations for…
No one need to go short of a good laugh while 'The Follies' are giving their performance at the Bijou. Mr. Bob Stephenson, Miss Ada Rowley, Miss Dolly Swift and Miss Gladys Spencer serve good performances.
The Shepherdess (played by children); current events - Ulster Day in Belfast, Wallace Memorial at Paisley, Great Fire at New Jersey and The Follies in new songs and stunts; Madames Swift, Spencer, Rowley in all new turns; 7.15 pictures only.