New Enterprise: A Cine Theatre
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Film Projector / Film(s)

In the place of the present makoshifts [sic] which do duty as cinematograph theatres, shortly be erected on the site of the present Hongkong Cinematograph in Des Voeux Road, a palatial building of steel frames and reinforced concrete by a syndicate headed by Mr. Fogliano. The building will be 105 feet long by 70 feet wide and 30 feet in height, and will be well ventilated in addition to electric fans which will be provided for use during the summer months. The building will provide seating accommodation for 1,500 people; 200 in the dress circle; 800 in the stalls; and 700 in the pit for Chinese. The stage will be 40 feet wide by 30 feet deep, in which travelling companies should desire to use in preference to the City Hall. There will also be a garden with fountains for visitors to rest in comfort during the interval of cinematograph shows. The latest films, to arrive every fort-night from Paris, will be produced, including the latest phono-films from Urban, London; Pathe, Paris; the Vitagraph Co., New York; and Arnemann of Dresden. The electrical operator will be Mr. Leo Wilson of the Victoria and Hongkong Cinemagraphs. Building operations will be commenced late in September or early in October, as soon as the present impediments can be removed.

Hong Kong CinematographTheatre (View more)
(1st Generation) 83 Des Voeux Road Central, Central (opposite to Central Market, current Hang Seng Bank Head Office); (2nd Generation) Queen's Road East, Central
City Hall (View more)
1-2A Des Voeux Road Central, Central
Victoria Cinematograph (View more)
71 Des Voeux Street, (junction of Des Voeux Road and Pottinger St.), Central