A History Of Film Exhibition And Reception In Colonial Hong Kong: 1897 To 1925
Displaying 1 - 20 of 37
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1911-01-18 - 1911-01-19

Tonight 9.15 p.m., a complete change of programme and pictures; performances by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Crystal. The Biorama: 'Carmen,' 'An Unlucky Picture,' 'A Mill Stone Quarry,' 'Octavius'(comic), 'Seal Hunting off Tasmania,' '…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-08-18 - 1916-08-21

Tonight, a remarkable production by E. Phillips Oppenheim, 'The Black Box,' first two episodes of this tense and heart-gripping serial; programme also included: 'The Bride of the Haunted Castle' (drama); 'A Water Dog' [sic] (Keystone comedy); 'The Greater…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-08-18 - 1916-08-18

Tonight, a special item 'Black Box Mystery' [sic] in 15 episodes by E. P. Oppenheim, England's great mystery fiction writer, played by the British film favourite Henry Rawlinson and Anna Little.

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-08-18 - 1916-08-19

An astounding programme: on Aug 19, Pathe's great photoplay 'The Golden Sword Knot' in 3 reels; 'The Black Box Mystery [sic]' by Phillip Oppenheim in 15 episodes; Pathe's British Gazette: The Great War: In Alsace and The Great War: (2nd series) Allies in the Near…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-08-21 - 1916-08-21

On Aug 21, a thrilling programme: 'Black Box Mystery' [sic] in 2 episodes; Charlie Chaplin and other comics; on Aug 22, 'The Avenging Sea' (drama in 2 parts); 3nd episodes of 'Black Box Mystery' [sic] in 4 parts; comics: 'Droppington's Devilish Deed…

Headline: Victoria
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-08-21

The Friday, Saturday and Sunday programme at the Victoria Theatre was as well patronised as such an excellent bill of fare deserved to be. The Pathe Gazette was a particularly good one and the special war pictures beyond praise. The centre-piece was a beautifully staged romantic play: 'The…

Headline: Palisade
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-08-21

On Saturday night, the Palisade offered one of its especially good programmes, but unfortunately the rain entered with proceedings and the spectators were obliged to seek shelter. We are asked by the management to announce that it will welcome, free of charge, all patrons who were compelled to…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-08-22 - 1916-08-23

The Black Box,' 3rd episode of the great mystery serial; 'The Pocket Wireless' in 2 parts; 'The Life of Georges Carpentier' in 3 parts, a sporting drama featuring Georges Carpentier, the great french boxer, and showing all his big fights, training, etc.; 'Italian…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-08-23 - 1916-08-26

A variety of programme; 'The Menace,' topical play in 2 parts (film d'art); 'Max Joins the Colours,' Max Linder, on the battlefields since the outbreak of the war, has made this comic picture during a short leave from the front (don't miss seeing it); Pathe British…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-08-26 - 1916-08-28

Tonight, Oppenheim's great mystery serial, 4th and 5th episodes of 'The Black Box,' with each succeeding instalment, the mystery of 'The Black Box' increases in interest and intense excitement, each episode contains a smashing climax; Comedy and Tragedy in 3 reels, a…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-08-26 - 1916-08-26

On Aug 25, the thrilling detective serial play 'The Black Box Mystery' [sic] in 2 parts; Pathe's topical play 'The Menace' in 2 parts; 'Max Linder Joins the Colours,' 1st picture of Max since the war; Pathe's British Gazette: 'The Great War: New…

Headline: Victoria
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-08-28

The Victoria Theatre, on Friday, screened a war play of unusual interest: 'The Menace,' which is not only staged and mounted in the Film d'Art Company's best manner, but which unfolds a most strikingly ingenious plot. There was also a new Gazette, equal is point of quality to…

Headline: Palisade
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-08-28

The Palisade at Kowloon is not only maintaining but is vastly increasing its popularity, and very large numbers of people from both sides of the Harbour have visited it during the weekend. The pictures shown are of a good class, and the seating accommodation is particularly satisfactory.…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-08-29 - 1916-08-31

Oppenheim's great mystery serial, 6th episode of 'The Black Box' in 2 parts, more perplexing and exciting than ever; 'The Wreck,' a powerful drama by the K. B. Films Co. in 3 parts; 'Under Desperation's Spur,' drama by Kalen; 'Bunny's Scheme,…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-08-29 - 1916-08-29

On Aug 29, the great detective film 'The Blue Diamond' in 3 parts; 4th series of 'The Black Box Mystery' [sic]; comics: 'The Professors Experiment'; 'Poor Policy'; 'Three Mothers in Law'; 'Billy Boy's Bad Tip'; interesting: Pathe…

Headline: The Palisade
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-08-30

The management of the Palisade, Kowloon, has arranged a special attraction for tonight by the engagement of a string band, which will render a number of appropriate selections during the programme. There will no doubt be a larger audience if the weather keeps fine, for the series of films to be…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-08-31 - 1916-09-02

On Sep 1, marvellous attractions at 'the Vic': performance by Dr. Rowe and Mora; the great detective film 'The Adventures of Nat Pinkerton' in 3 parts; 5th episode of 'The Black Box Mystery' [sic]; interesting: Pathe's British Gazette, The Great War: In the…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-09-01 - 1916-09-04

Oppenheim's great mystery serial, 7th episode of 'The Black Box' in 2 parts, a breathless & heart-gripping instalment; 'The Single Act,' an extremely fine drama by the Lubin Company; 'The Vavasour Ball' in 2 parts by Vitagraph; 'Old Maid's Baby,…

Headline: The Palisade
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-09-01

The management of Kowloon's popular open-air cinematograph has arranged a most attractive change of programme for tonight. The seventh episode of the thrilling 'Black Box' mystery is to be screened, while a further special feature is a very fine dramatic film entitled 'The…

Headline: Victoria
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1916-09-04

An extremely good programme has been put on at the Victoria during the weekend. Dr. Rowe and Madame Mora performed. The pictures included some more war films and a good Pathe Gazette; another of the clever Bray Cartoons dealing with the exploits of a police dog. Another feature was a further…