A History Of Film Exhibition And Reception In Colonial Hong Kong: 1897 To 1925
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Headline: Empire Theatre
Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1918-09-27 - 1918-09-30

27th, 28th, 29th and 30th September, 9.15 performance, screening 'The Mystery Ship' episodes 7 and 8. Also Animated Weekly No. 144 and various comedies. Today matinee, 1st and 2nd episodes of 'The Mystery Ship.'

Headline: Empire Theatre
Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1918-10-01 - 1918-10-03

1st, 2nd and 3rd October, 9.15 performance, the distinguished Universal favourite Hobart Bosworth in that dramatic masterpiece, 'Colorado,' by the eminent dramatist, Augustus Thomas, author of 'In Mizzoura,' 'The Embassy Ball,' 'Arizona,' 'The Meddler…

Headline: Empire Theatre
Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1918-10-12 - 1918-10-14

Tonight, 'The Mystery Ship' episodes 11 and 12. Also Animated Weekly No. 145 and various comedies. Sunday matinee at 6 p.m., 'The Mystery Ship' episodes 3 and 4. Manila string band in attendance.

Headline: Empire Theatre
Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1918-11-08 - 1918-11-09

Tonight, 9.15 performance, showing two exclusive dramas: 'The Law of the Range' in 4 parts and 'A Daughter of the Jungles' in 3 parts. And comics.

Headline: Empire Theatre
Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1919-01-03 - 1919-01-06

January 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th, 7.15 and 9.15 performance, 'Mystery of the Double Cross,' episodes 11 and 12. Also 'The Two Trunks,' another comic picture, and Annals of the War No. 4 (interesting events of the European war).

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1921-07-28

A programme is promised at The Empire, described by Hongkong Amusements Ltd., a local film made by Pathe's cameraman at the time of the inauguration of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, 'The Sleepy Head.' Other films include 'Mind the Paint Girl.' Anita Stewart, who pleased everybody…