A History Of Film Exhibition And Reception In Colonial Hong Kong: 1897 To 1925
Displaying 1 - 20 of 2218
Headline: Coming Shows
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1897-04-24

H.M.S. Rainbow's Mastodon Minstrels, are to make their first appearance before a Hongkong audience next Thursday evening at Theatre Royal, City Hall. While at the end of this month the Hongkong public will be enabled to witness the latest European scientific and artistic novelties in the…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1897-04-24 - 1897-04-26

The Cinematograph' was the latest and greatest success of London and Paris which will exhibit for a short season. There were five sessions a day, each scheduled for an hour. Admission price one dollar and children at half-price.

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1897-04-24 - 1897-04-26

The Cinematograph' (The latest and greatest success of London and Paris) will exhibit for a short season, commencing Tuesday, the 27th April, 1897, for 5 sections each day. Admission: $1, children half-price.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1897-04-27 - 1897-04-27

The delicate and intricate mechanical arrangements combined with the elaborate and most modern of electrical appliances of the machine require such perfect adjustment and manipulation that Professor Maurice Charvet has decided to postpone his opening exhibition for one day.

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1897-04-27 - 1897-04-27

Professor Maurice Charvet has decided to postpone his opening exhibition for one day. 'The Cinematograph' will be exhibited at St. Andrew's Hall (City Hall) tomorrow. It's the greatest marvel of the age. Admission: $1, children half-price.

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1897-04-28 - 1897-05-05

Today! 'The Cinematograph' will be exhibited, under the personal supervision of Professor Maurice Charvet, 5 sections a day. Admission: $1, children half-price.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1898-01-17

The eighth number of the Queen's Empire depicts the pastimes of the people of the Empire, the first picture showing an animated scene in a London School play-ground. The picture of a Chinese theatre in Singapore is of local interest.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1898-03-28 - 1898-03-28

Positively starts Saturday Evening Next, in the first appearance of an established London favourite, Carl Hertz, assisted by Mdlle. D'Alton. Up-to-date, the original and marvellous Cinematographe, selection from 20 subjects, recently the craze of the West. The company is under the…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1898-03-28 - 1898-03-28

In the first appearance in Hongkong of an established London favourite, Carl Hertz, the greatest living conjuror, assisted by the charming Mdlle. D'Alton. You are not up-to-date if you fail to see the original and marvellous Cinematographe, selection from 200 subjects, recently the craze of…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1898-03-30 - 1898-03-30

The coming sensation starts Saturday Evening Next, in the first appearance of an established London favourite, Carl Hertz, assisted by Mdlle. D'Alton. Up-to-date, the original and marvellous Cinematographe, selection from 20 subjects, recently the craze of the West. The company is under the…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1898-03-31 - 1898-04-02

The coming sensation starts Saturday Evening Next, in the first appearance of an established London favourite, Carl Hertz, assisted by Mdlle. D'Alton. Up-to-date, the original and marvellous Cinematographe, selection from 20 subjects, recently the craze of the West, including the Great…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1898-04-06

At Theatre Royal, Mr. Carl Hertz, assisted by Mdlle. D' Alton, will present their first complete change of programme. In the cinematograph a complete series of fresh and startling subjects will be shown.

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1898-04-06 - 1898-04-06

First presentation of the Great Illusion 'Noah's Ark', second edition of the truly marvellous and up-tp-date Cinematographe including 'A Call on the London Fire Brigade,' 'Greco-Turkish War' and 'A Gun Boat in Full Action.' Under the distinguished…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1898-04-06 - 1898-04-06

Tonight, Wednesday, second series of London Attractions, new tricks and new and up-to-date Pictures. The Cinematographe is showing 20 new and startling subjects, including A Call on the London Fire Brigade, 'Greco-Turkish War,' A Gun Boat in Full Action. Booking at the Robinson Piano…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1898-04-09 - 1898-04-09

Carl Hertz, the great London conjuror presented new tricks. First presentation of the Great Illusion 'Noah's Ark,' second edition of the truly marvellous and up-to-date Cinematographe including 'A Call on the London Fire Brigade,' 'Greco-Turkish War,' 'A…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1898-04-09 - 1898-04-09

Tonight, and also Easter Monday night, performance by Carl Hertz. Entirely new and up-to-date Pictures. The Cinematographe is showing 20 new and startling subjects, including A Call on the London Fire Brigade, Greco-Turkish War, A Gun Boat in Full Action and The Prince of Wales' Derby.…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1898-04-12 - 1898-04-12

Carl Hertz, the great London conjuror presented new tricks. First presentation on the Great Illusion 'Mephisto's Target' assisted by Mdlle D'Alton. New Series of Pictures on the Cinematographe: 'The Queen's Jubilee Procession,' 'The English Cricketers in…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1898-04-13 - 1898-04-13

Carl Hertz, the great London conjuror presented new tricks. First production of Mephisto's Target, a new illusion. Cinematographe: 'The Queen's Jubilee Procession,' 'The English Cricketers in Australia' and 'Rugby Football Match.'

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1898-07-21

Lumiere's Cinematographe was exhibited in Hongkong for the first time in a matshed (open-air theatre) specially erected for the purpose near Pedder's Wharf. There was a large and appreciative audience and the various items of the programme were loudly applauded. Scenes from the Paris…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1898-10-01

(Tientsin, Sept. 19) There is a great deal of talk among respectable Chinese regarding the theatres now running on the German concession, in which female actresses appear on the stage. They complain that they are such as would not be allowed by the Chinese authorities, and that in the case of…