In addition to the General Research Grant funding (GRF #LU 12613217), the database’s construction received support from the following grants and parties:
Faculty Research Grant (101849) and four Student Research Enhancement Schemes of Lingnan University. Support from Dr. Louisa Lam, Chief Information Officer and University Librarian, and her team, Mr. Jeff Liu and Mr. Tony Tsang from Lingnan Library is indispensable.
除研資局的優配研究金(GRF#LU 12613217)外,此資料庫平台亦獲以下單位資助︰嶺南大學Faculty Research Grant (101849) 及四項Student Research Enhancement Scheme。同時多賴嶺南大學圖書館館長與首席資料執行長林美珍博士的支持,與其團隊廖頴康先生及曾文豪先生的協同,此龐大的數據方能即時面世。