Amusing Incident at a Local Cinema
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Film Projector / Film(s)

An amusing incident occurred during the screening of some war pictures at one of the local cinemas a few evenings ago. Part of the picture depicted various contingents of Allied troops 'marching past' and of course, the orchestra played appropriate music as each nation was represented – in some cases. The Star Spangled Banner and Yankee Doodle greeted the Americans, the Marseillaise burst forth when the French came along, but when a continent of Britishers, who were said to have been at Courtrai, came along, the strains of 'rag-time' burst forth. The audience naturally objected to this, whereupon the orchestra tried to remedy the error but as is usual in such cases, got worse into the mire, for the next effort was not, as might be expected the British National Anthem but 'We'll all get blind drunk when Tommy comes marching home.' The audience gave it up, and joined heartily in the chorus of this soul-stirring melody, interspersing their vocal efforts with good-humoured banter at the band.
